Music learning is a complex process, which involves several area of the brain, and requires time, concentration and focusing on specific patterns.
The San Francisco based startup Halo Neuroscience developed Halo Sport, a new kind of headphones, which activate specific areas of the motor cortex, through the electrostimulation. This technique is called “neuropriming” and, after 20 minutes, would create a condition of hyperplasticity of the cortex, enabling it to improve the muscular control and coordination.
Halo Sport headsetwas developed for athletes, but, according to the company, is also suitable for music performers who need to enhance their muscular coordination during the daily practice: pianists, string players, percussion players.
While there are not scientific studies yet showing concrete results in terms of musical learning, this video gives an idea of how a pianist would use the Halo Sports in the daily practice.
More details are available on the official site, which also provides a wide selection of scientific studies on the neuropriming technique and the transcranial direct current stimulation.
Roberto Prosseda